Dementia is an accumulative term used to describe conditions in individuals having memory loss, problem-solving skills, language and other thinking problems. The primary causes of Dementia are Alzheimer’s.

  • How do you care for someone with Dementia?

Dementia Care in Los Angeles is quite affordable, and with a proper mindset of care, success is possible. Dementia may seem very difficult to care for at first. It may occur in children adults and commonly in senior citizens. The disease may seem intimidating at first but can be cared for if proper precautions are taken.  The right mindset is essential if you want to tackle this disease. For success, maintain a positive but realistic attitude helps in controlling Dementia as the caregiver.

There are no tests in medical science that can help diagnose Dementia in a patient. Many physicians try to diagnose Dementia using the previous history with Alzheimer’s, memory tests and the response of the patient in life events. After testing, doctors can be confident that the person has Dementia with certainty. The type of Dementia can only be revealed over time because the symptoms and brain changes of different dementias can overlap.

Dementia Care in Los Angeles

Dementia can easily alter the personality of an individual. His behavior changes as times passes on. The memory loss is a single step but as the diseases progresses, there is danger of permanent impairment.

What does dementia care mean?

As caregivers, we can imagine if your loved ones lose their cherished memories. There are many cases; the individual suffering from Dementia doesn’t even remember his name or his family members. In late stages, more care is required for that individual, which a family home cannot provide. Assisted living or nursing care may be a viable option for better care of these individuals. These residential care institutes offer better health care support, housing and supervision 24/7.

Residential caretaking is ideal for patients that are in early stages of this disease and can-do daily activities by themselves. Residential care providers help in transportation, meals and social events. A beautiful dining hall is present, where all the residents take breakfast, lunch afternoon snack and Dinner.

These residential caretakers monitor these individuals’ activities in case a dementia event takes place. The other option from residential care is the memory care unit. Memory care unit offers the same facilities of assisted living with increased supervision and stimulates memory to slow the disease progression. Memory stimuli include music, art, exercise and games etc.



What are the seven stages of Dementia?

There are different stages of Dementia, and every patient experiences them differently. Dementia can only be revealed over time because the symptoms and brain changes of different dementias can overlap. These stages are as follows:

Stage 1: No Impairment

This is the early stage of Dementia, so it is difficult to detect. Parents detect no signs of brain damage and memory loss at this stage. There is no evidence that the disease will progress or has occurred.

Stage 2: Very Mild Decline

This is the moderate stage in senior citizens, where the person may exhibit small memory loss. He will start losing his possessions, such as house keys around the house. Although this memory loss may not be easily distinguished, it is present. If tested by physicians, the senior citizen may even pass the memory test, and the family members can be carefree. Do not keep your eyes of that individual, because the disease might still progress.

Stage 3: Mild Decline

This is the most apparent stage that all the family members can also observe. The individual faces cognitive problems, and he can’t even pass the memory test. The physician quickly detects the impaired cognitive functions of the neural network.

People in stage 3 will have difficulty in many areas, including:

  • They seem to find difficulty in completing their sentences.
  • Not able to form a plan and organize themselves
  • Difficulty in remembering the names of the individuals.

Stage 3 dementia patients lose their possessions and the name of their family members.

Stage 4: Moderate Decline

The disease’s symptoms are clearly visible in this stage. The sickness becomes apparent not only to the family physicians but the family members also. These are as follows.

  • The individual has difficulty in simple mathematics problems.
  • Show poor short-term memory (such as losing their valuables and not be able to remember what they eat for lunch).
  • Inability to calculate and organize home and utility bills.
  • Forget minor life events.

Stage 5: Moderately Severe Decline

Stage 5 patient has difficulty in a typical day to day functions. Stage 5 patients may experience the following symptoms.

  • Unable to dress properly
  • Cannot make themselves a meal
  • Can’t recall simple details such as remembering a simple phone number.
  • Become confused after every hour

Some parts of maintenance can still be performed by these patients such as bathing and using the toilet etc. They may remember the names of some family members and pieces of their youth also.

Stage 6: Severe Decline

Their indications are severe at this stage and the patient needs supervision 24/7. They are as follows:

  • Misperception in public surroundings
  • The patient is unable to recognize someone he didn’t meet a long time ago.
  • Difficulty remembering minor life events
  • Inability to control bowel movement and bladder
  • Behavioural problem and personality changes
  • The patient needs assistance eating, bathing and dressing
  • Wander at night

Stages 7: Very Severe Decline

This is the last phase of this disease, also called as a terminal illness. The patient is unable to communicate and respond to environmental stimuli. The patient is eventually closing towards death at the current phase.

These patients have no insight into their condition and may still utter some words and phrases. The individual needs assistance in day to day activities and there are no signs if the patient may recover. The patient becomes near to death in this condition and becomes unable even to swallow a meal.

Can dementia patients stay at home?

The answer to this question depends upon the stages of the patient. The patient who has Dementia can be cured at home if his disease hasn’t progressed above step 3. As the condition deteriorates more, the answer becomes a straight “No”.